Vibrant Food Chef, Harmony Weaver, Flavours Enhancer, Designer, Adaptable
In a world of love, where caring blooms,
I craft a tender ambience, like fragrant perfumes.
Adapting recipes to each unique taste,
Emotionally stable, in life’s vibrant embrace.
An expert in healthy, vibrant cuisine,
Raw and oil-free, a culinary dream.
No boiling pots, just freshness untold,
A symphony of flavours, a story to unfold.
With needle and thread, I weave magic in clothes,
Designs that enchant, like poetry in prose.
Mediating conflicts, a peacemaker’s role,
For relatives and friends, harmonizing the soul.
A loyal lover, steadfast and true,
Curious to learn, life’s lessons in view.
Willing to adapt, change swiftly and free,
Creating a better self, a continuous journey.